It is time-consuming to ensure that the customer has a perfect application. Thus, it is important that the salon uses time wisely and work towards creating a lasting relationship. It is through the relationship that is fostered that a customer eventually becomes loyal.
It is important to make the customer feel comfortable on the application table. The ambiance must be conducive to the task of the application. Soft music, aromatherapy, and the ideal room temperature are value additions that can be offered. If the customer is awake through the procedure, ensure that she stays calm by engaging in light conversation. Encourage the customer to provide feedback on the application.
The customer must be pampered with eyelash extension compatible products. The total eye repair serum should be applied. The salon should showcase their personal cosmetology skills using a shade that would highlight her eyes. The salon can use a concealer to make her look refreshed after the application. Win her trust by customizing the service provided.
Encourage the customer to come back with before and after pictures of her eyelashes. The pictures will help track any changes in her natural eyelashes. Most often the natural eyelashes become healthier while using eyelashes extensions. The changes must be documented.
Customer interactions must leave a lasting impression in order to build loyalty.